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Excel-DNA version 1.1

· One min read

Excel-DNA version 1.1 is now available on NuGet and as a direct download from GitHub. The easiest way to install is with Visual Studio’s NuGet package manager (package ExcelDna.AddIn) – a ‘ReadMe’ file with further instructions will then be displayed. From the Package Manager Console:

Install-Package ExcelDna.AddIn

Excel-DNA 1.1 is expected to be the final version to support older .NET (<4.5) and Excel (<2007) releases.

Excel-DNA version 1.1 implements workarounds for two recent changes in Excel behaviour:

  • RTD servers based on ExcelRtdServer, and streaming functions based on IExcelObservable stopped updating after recent (early 2020) Excel updates.
  • When loaded into an elevated Excel process (running As Administrator) the on-demand COM registration (used for ribbon and CTP loading) started failing (mid 2020).

The update also introduces strong-naming of the Excel-DNA assemblies (thanks to @augustoproiete)

Please post any issues you run into to the Google group (!forum/exceldna)

To make a donation to the project, or to arrange for a corporate support agreement that lets you steer the future of Excel-DNA, please visit the Excel-DNA Support page.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm towards the Excel-DNA project!