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When the ExcelDna.AddIn NuGet package is installed into a project, some additional MSBuild targets are defined. These are used to copy the required .xll native add-in into the output directory, and create single-file packed versions of the add-in.

Installing the package will add a file called Properties\ExcelDna.Build.props into the project. This file can be used for basic customization of the additional build steps. ExcelDna.Build.props allows the following build properties to be configured:

Configuration properties for building .dna files
Enable/Disable automatic generation of platform-specific versions of .dna files
<ExcelDnaCreate32BitAddIn Condition="'$(ExcelDnaCreate32BitAddIn)' == ''">true</ExcelDnaCreate32BitAddIn>
<ExcelDnaCreate64BitAddIn Condition="'$(ExcelDnaCreate64BitAddIn)' == ''">true</ExcelDnaCreate64BitAddIn>

Define the suffix used for each platform-specific file e.g. MyAddIn64.dna
<ExcelDna32BitAddInSuffix Condition="'$(ExcelDna32BitAddInSuffix)' == ''"></ExcelDna32BitAddInSuffix>
<ExcelDna64BitAddInSuffix Condition="'$(ExcelDna64BitAddInSuffix)' == ''">64</ExcelDna64BitAddInSuffix>

Configuration properties for packing .dna files
Enable/Disable packing of .dna files
<RunExcelDnaPack Condition="'$(RunExcelDnaPack)' == ''">true</RunExcelDnaPack>

Suffix used for packed .xll files e.g. MyAddIn-packed.xll
<ExcelDnaPackXllSuffix Condition="'$(ExcelDnaPackXllSuffix)' == ''">-packed</ExcelDnaPackXllSuffix>