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Asynchronous Functions

Excel-DNA has a core implementation to support asynchronous functions. Two primary ways this could be implemented is through:

  1. Task-based async functions (preferred)
  2. RTD-based async functions

It is worth noting that RTD-based functions use the same underlying mechanism as Task-based functions. However, it is easier to use Task-based functions as the asynchronous concept is abstracted.

Task-based Async Functions

Task-based functions are the preferred way of async implementation.

Both AsyncTaskUtil.cs and Disposables.cs from Excel-DNA Registration library must be included in the project's solution. Once included, the following line must be added at the top of source code file:

using ExcelDna.Registration.Utils;

NOTE: The Excel-DNA Registration helper is an extension library that is used to simplify (and modify) the function registration process at runtime. The helper includes conversions to assist in registering task-based async functions. For this example, the helper extensions library is not referenced but the required utility code is imported directly into the project.


  • The following example, accepts a target URL (string) and returns a string (object) of characters that was downloaded from the given target URL. The asynchronous UDF should call AsyncTaskUtil.RunTask as follows:
//The main function that is exposed to Excel.
public static object DownloadStringFromURL(string url)
var functionName = nameof(DownloadStringFromURL);
var parameters = new object[] { url };
HttpClient myHttpClient = new HttpClient();

return AsyncTaskUtil.RunTask(functionName, parameters, async () =>
//The actual asyncronous block of code to execute.
return await myHttpClient.GetStringAsync(url);


The parameters of AsyncTaskUtil.RunTask are:

  • string functionName - the name of the async function. Used in combination with the parameters value to identify this async function by the .NET framework for its internal threading operations.

    NOTE: Ensure to enclose the function name within the nameof() expression.

  • object parameters - the set of parameters the function is being called with. Although it can be a single object (e.g. a string) it is preferred to enclose the parameter/s in an object[] array.

    NOTE: Ensure to include all the parameters to the UDF as it is used in combination with the functionName value to identify this async function by the .NET framework for its internal threading operations.

  • Func<Task<T>> - a delegate function (can be anonymous) that will be executed asynchronously.

Additional Example

  • The following example, accepts a list of target IPs/hostnames (object[]) and the number of times to ping each target (int). The function returns an array of boolean values for each target indicating true if the target is reachable for all ping attempts otherwise false.
//The main function that is exposed to Excel.
public static object TaskedPingTargets(object[] targets, int pingCount)
var functionName = nameof(TaskedPingTargets);
var parameters = new object[] { targets, pingCount };

//The task to run is an anonymous async function.
//It calls an async task per target and waits for all tasks to complete.
//Once all tasks are complete, it returns an array of boolean values stating
//each target reachability status.
return AsyncTaskUtil.RunTask(functionName, parameters, async () =>
//create an empty list ot tasks.
List<Task<PingReply[]>> tasks = new List<Task<PingReply[]>>();

//add a PingTargetAsync task per target to the task list and execute it.
foreach (string target in targets)
tasks.Add(PingTargetAsync(target, pingCount));

//wait for all results to arrive from the tasks.
PingReply[][] results = await Task.WhenAll<PingReply[]>(tasks);
object[] toReturn = new object[targets.Length];

//format output to return.
for (int i = 0; i<targets.Length; i++)
toReturn[i] = true;
for (int j = 0; j<pingCount; j++)
if (results[i][j].Status != IPStatus.Success)
toReturn[i] = false;
return toReturn;
//The actual asyncronous payload to execute. This function is not exposed to Excel.
//NOTE: unlike the previous example, this task returns PingReply[] not double[].
private static async Task<PingReply[]> PingTargetAsync(string target, int pingCount)
Ping ping = new Ping();
PingReply[] replies = new PingReply[pingCount];

for (int i = 0; i < pingCount; i++)
replies[i] = await ping.SendPingAsync(target);

return replies;

RTD-based Async Functions

The RTD-based functions can also be used for async functionality. However, they are a less preferred method of async implementation.


  • The following example function accepts a string value in milliseconds (which is parsed to an int, later on), and sleeps for that duration. The asynchronous UDF should call AsyncUtil.Run as follows:
//The main function that is exposed to Excel.
public static object SleepAsync(string ms)
var functionName = nameof(SleepAsync);
var parameters = new object[] { ms };

//The task to run is an anonymous function. All it does is sleep for a certain amount of milliseconds.
return ExcelAsyncUtil.Run(nameof(functionName), parameters, () =>
Debug.Print("{1:HH:mm:ss.fff} Sleeping for {0} ms", ms, DateTime.Now);

Debug.Print("{1:HH:mm:ss.fff} Done sleeping {0} ms", ms, DateTime.Now);
return "Woke Up at " + DateTime.Now.ToString("1:HH:mm:ss.fff");


The parameters of ExcelAsyncUtil.Run are:

  • string functionName - the name of the async function. Used in combination with the parameters value to identify this async function by the .NET framework for its internal threading operations.

    NOTE: Ensure to enclose the function name within the nameof() expression.

  • object parameters - the set of parameters the function is being called with. Can be a single object (e.g. a string) or an object[] array of parameters. It should include all the parameters to the UDF as it is used in combination with the functionName value to identify this async function by the .NET framework for its internal threading operations.

    NOTE: Ensure to include all the parameters to the UDF as it is used in combination with the functionName value to identify this async function by the .NET framework for its internal threading operations.

  • ExcelFunc function - a delegate function (can be anonymous) that will be executed asynchronously.

Additional Example

  • The following example function accepts a target IP/hostname (string) to asynchronously send a ping to.
//Sends an ICMP packet to the target and returns the results asynchronously.
public static object PingAsync(string target)
return ExcelAsyncUtil.Run(nameof(PingAsync), new object[] { target }, () => Ping(target));

//This function's payload will be executed by Excel's asynchronous engine.
private static object Ping(string target)
return new Ping().Send(target).Status.ToString();