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Accepting Range Parameters in UDFs

Parameters with the type of Excel's Range COM object are not directly supported by Excel-DNA. There is a list of allowed parameter types here: Reference for data types in UDFs

You should prefer to get the values directly from the input parameter, without getting the Range COM object. It's also much more efficient doing it that way.

Your simple function that takes a single value or a range of values converted to an array, might then look like this:

    public static object Concat2(object[,] values)
string result = "";
int rows = values.GetLength(0);
int cols = values.GetLength(1);
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
object value = values[i, j];
result += value.ToString();
return result;

Typically you'd want to check the type of the value object, and do something different based on that. The object[,] array passed from Excel-DNA could have items of the following types:

ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelMissing (if the function is called with no parameter, as `=Concat2()`).

If you change the signature to have a single parameter of type object (instead of object[,]), like this:

    public static object Concat2(object value)

then, depending on how the function is called, you might get one of the above types as the value or you might get an object[,] array as the value, so your type checks would look a bit different before you do the iteration.

If you really want information about the calling range, like the address, you need to

  • Apply a [ExcelArgument(AllowReference=true)] attribute to the object input parameter (in VB <ExcelArgument(AllowReference:=true)> )
  • Check whether the object you receive is of type ExcelReference (this is a thin wrapper over the C API reference information).
  • Either use the C API calls to get information about the ExcelReference (like a sheet name), or create a Range COM object from the information in the ExcelReference. This Range object needs to be used with care when called from a function.

ExcelReference is not the same as the COM Range type, it is a small wrapper type for the Excel C API reference structure. From the ExcelReference it is possible to get a COM Range -

Imports ExcelDna.Integration.XlCall
Private Function ReferenceToRange(ByVal xlRef As ExcelReference) As Object
Dim cntRef As Long, strText As String, strAddress As String
strAddress = Excel(xlfReftext, xlRef.InnerReferences(0), True)
For cntRef = 1 To xlRef.InnerReferences.Count - 1
strText = Excel(xlfReftext, xlRef.InnerReferences(cntRef), True)
strAddress = strAddress & "," & Mid(strText, strText.LastIndexOf("!") + 2) ' +2 because IndexOf starts at 0
ReferenceToRange = ExcelDnaUtil.Application.Range(strAddress)
End Function

or in C#:

        static Range ReferenceToRange(object xlInput)
ExcelReference reference = (ExcelReference)xlInput;
Application app = (Application)ExcelDnaUtil.Application;

string sheetName = (string)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlSheetNm, reference);
int index = sheetName.LastIndexOf("]");
sheetName = sheetName.Substring(index + 1);
Worksheet ws = (Worksheet)app.Sheets[sheetName];
Range target = app.Range[ws.Cells[reference.RowFirst + 1, reference.ColumnFirst + 1], ws.Cells[reference.RowLast + 1, reference.ColumnLast + 1]];

for (int iInnerRef = 1; iInnerRef < reference.InnerReferences.Count; iInnerRef++)
ExcelReference innerRef = reference.InnerReferences[iInnerRef];
Range innerTarget = app.Range[ws.Cells[innerRef.RowFirst + 1, innerRef.ColumnFirst + 1], ws.Cells[innerRef.RowLast + 1, innerRef.ColumnLast + 1]];
target = app.Union(target, innerTarget);

return target;