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Optional Parameters and Default Values

Update: There is now a project to develop rich parameter support using a custom registration processing pipeline. This includes support for Optional and Default values. See I leave the documentation below as applying to the core Excel-DNA library. _

There is currently no special support built into Excel-DNA for optional parameters or default values. You can implement these in your add-in by changing your parameter type to be 'object' and then dealing with the different options explicitly.

As an example, the code below shows how you could create a helper class to deal with the passed parameters, making the handling in you functions as easy as possible.

using System;
using ExcelDna.Integration;

// These are some functions that implement an optional parameter with some default value.
public class MyFunctions
public static double TestDefault(double x, object yArg)
double y = Optional.Check(yArg, 17.0);

return x + y;

public static string TestHello(object nameArg)
string name = Optional.Check(nameArg, " Unknown person!?");

return "Hello " + name;

public static string TestSpecialDate(object dateArg)
DateTime date = Optional.Check(dateArg, DateTime.Now);

return "The special date is: " + date.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy");

// Here is the helper class - add to it or change as you require
internal static class Optional
internal static string Check(object arg, string defaultValue)
if (arg is string)
return (string)arg;
else if (arg is ExcelMissing)
return defaultValue;
return arg.ToString(); // Or whatever you want to do here....

// Perhaps check for other types and do whatever you think is right ....
//else if (arg is double)
// return "Double: " + (double)arg;
//else if (arg is bool)
// return "Boolean: " + (bool)arg;
//else if (arg is ExcelError)
// return "ExcelError: " + arg.ToString();
//else if (arg is object[,](,))
// // The object array returned here may contain a mixture of types,
// // reflecting the different cell contents.
// return string.Format("Array[{0},{1}]({0},{1})",
// ((object[,](,)(,))arg).GetLength(0), ((object[,](,)(,))arg).GetLength(1));
//else if (arg is ExcelEmpty)
// return "<<Empty>>"; // Would have been null
//else if (arg is ExcelReference)
// // Calling xlfRefText here requires IsMacroType=true for this function.
// return "Reference: " +
// XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfReftext, arg, true);
// else
// return "!? Unheard Of ?!";

internal static double Check(object arg, double defaultValue)
if (arg is double)
return (double)arg;
else if (arg is ExcelMissing)
return defaultValue;
throw new ArgumentException(); // Will return #VALUE to Excel


// This one is more tricky - we have to do the double->Date conversions ourselves
internal static DateTime Check(object arg, DateTime defaultValue)
if (arg is double)
return DateTime.FromOADate((double)arg); // Here is the conversion
else if (arg is string)
return DateTime.Parse((string)arg);
else if (arg is ExcelMissing)
return defaultValue;

throw new ArgumentException(); // Or defaultValue or whatever