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Extended Registration

Nullable parameter

public static string NullableDouble(double? d)
return "Nullable VAL: " + (d.HasValue ? d : "NULL");
A1=NullableDouble(1.2)Nullable VAL: 1.2
A2=NullableDouble()Nullable VAL: NULL

Optional parameter

public static string OptionalDouble(double d = 1.23)
return "Optional VAL: " + d.ToString();
A1=OptionalDouble(2.3)Optional VAL: 2.3
A2=OptionalDouble()Optional VAL: 1.23

Range parameter

public static string Range(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range r)
return r.Address;

Enums parameter and return value

public static string Enum(DateTimeKind e)
return "Enum VAL: " + e.ToString();

public static DateTimeKind EnumReturn(string s)
return Enum.Parse<DateTimeKind>(s);
A1=Enum("Unspecified")Enum VAL: Unspecified
A2=Enum("Local")Enum VAL: Local
A3=Enum(1)Enum VAL: Utc

String array parameter

public static string StringArray(string[] s)
return "StringArray VALS: " + string.Concat(s);
B1=StringArray(A1:A3)StringArray VALS: 12.3World

String array 2D parameter

public static string StringArray2D(string[,] s)
string result = "";
for (int i = 0; i < s.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < s.GetLength(1); j++)
result += s[i, j];

result += " ";

return $"StringArray2D VALS: {result}";
C1=StringArray2D(A1:B3)StringArray2D VALS: 15 2.36.7 HelloWorld

params parameter

public static string ParamsFunc1(
[ExcelArgument(Name = "first.Input", Description = "is a useful start")]
object input,
[ExcelArgument(Description = "is another param start")]
string QtherInpEt,
[ExcelArgument(Name = "Value", Description = "gives the Rest")]
params object[] args)
return input + "," + QtherInpEt + ", : " + args.Length;

public static string ParamsFunc2(
[ExcelArgument(Name = "first.Input", Description = "is a useful start")]
object input,
[ExcelArgument(Name = "second.Input", Description = "is some more stuff")]
string input2,
[ExcelArgument(Description = "is another param ")]
string QtherInpEt,
[ExcelArgument(Name = "Value", Description = "gives the Rest")]
params object[] args)
var content = string.Join(",", args.Select(ValueType => ValueType.ToString()));
return input + "," + input2 + "," + QtherInpEt + ", " + $"[{args.Length}: {content}]";

public static string ParamsJoinString(string separator, params string[] values)
return String.Join(separator, values);
A1=ParamsFunc1(1,\"2\",4,5)1,2, : 2
A2=ParamsFunc2(\"a\",,\"c\",\"d\",,\"f\")a,,c, [3: d,ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelMissing,f]

Async functions and tasks

public static string AsyncHello(string name, int msToSleep)
return $"Hello async {name}";

public static async Task<string> AsyncTaskHello(string name, int msDelay)
await Task.Delay(msDelay);
return $"Hello async task {name}";

public static Task<string> TaskHello(string name)
return Task.FromResult($"Hello task {name}");

Object handles

Create and reuse .NET objects:

public class Calc
private double d1, d2;

public Calc(double d1, double d2)
this.d1 = d1;
this.d2 = d2;

public double Sum()
return d1 + d2;

public static Calc CreateCalc(double d1, double d2)
return new Calc(d1, d2);

public static double CalcSum(Calc c)
return c.Sum();
A1=CreateCalc(1.2, 3.4)

Thread safe creation and use is supported:

[ExcelFunction(IsThreadSafe = true)]
public static Calc CreateCalcTS(double d1, double d2)
return new Calc(d1, d2);

[ExcelFunction(IsThreadSafe = true)]
public static double CalcSumTS(Calc c)
return c.Sum();

Object resources are automatically disposed when no longer used:

public class DisposableObject : IDisposable
public static int ObjectsCount { get; private set; } = 0;
private bool disposedValue;

public DisposableObject()

protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposedValue)
if (disposing)

disposedValue = true;

public void Dispose()
Dispose(disposing: true);

public static DisposableObject CreateDisposableObject(int x)
return new DisposableObject();

User defined parameter conversions

public class TestType1
public string Value;

public TestType1(string value)
Value = value;

public class TestType2
public string Value;

public TestType2(string value)
Value = value;

public static TestType2 Order1ToTestType2FromTestType1(TestType1 value)
return new TestType2("From TestType1 " + value.Value);

public static TestType1 Order2ToTestType1(string value)
return new TestType1(value);

public static TestType1 Order3ToTestType1Also(string value)
return new TestType1("Also " + value);

public static Version ToVersion(string s)
return new Version(s);

public static string TestType1(TestType1 tt)
return "The TestType1 value is " + tt.Value;

public static string TestType2(TestType2 tt)
return "The TestType2 value is " + tt.Value;

public static string Version2(Version v)
return "The Version value with field count 2 is " + v.ToString(2);
A1=Version2("")The Version value with field count 2 is 4.3
A2=TestType1("world")The TestType1 value is world
A3=TestType2("world2")The TestType2 value is From TestType1 world2

User defined parameter conversions are sorted alphabetically by function name.

More complex type conversions (like TestType2 Order1ToTestType2FromTestType1(TestType1 value)) should be ordered before simpler type conversions they dependent on (like TestType1 Order2ToTestType1(string value)).

Subsequent multiple conversions for the same type (like TestType1 Order3ToTestType1Also(string value)) are ignored and the first one (like TestType1 Order2ToTestType1(string value)) is used.

Function execution handler

Monitor Excel functions execution with a custom handler, marked with ExcelFunctionExecutionHandlerSelector attribute:

internal class FunctionLoggingHandler : FunctionExecutionHandler
public int? ID { get; set; }

public override void OnEntry(FunctionExecutionArgs args)
// FunctionExecutionArgs gives access to the function name and parameters,
// and gives some options for flow redirection.

// Tag will flow through the whole handler
if (ID.HasValue)
args.Tag = $"ID={ID.Value} ";
args.Tag = "";
args.Tag += args.FunctionName;

Logger.Log($"{args.Tag} - OnEntry - Args: {args.Arguments.Select(arg => arg.ToString())}");

public override void OnSuccess(FunctionExecutionArgs args)
Logger.Log($"{args.Tag} - OnSuccess - Result: {args.ReturnValue}");

public override void OnException(FunctionExecutionArgs args)
Logger.Log($"{args.Tag} - OnException - Message: {args.Exception}");

public override void OnExit(FunctionExecutionArgs args)
Logger.Log($"{args.Tag} - OnExit");

public static IFunctionExecutionHandler LoggingHandlerSelector(IExcelFunctionInfo functionInfo)
if (functionInfo.CustomAttributes.OfType<LoggingAttribute>().Any())
var loggingAtt = functionInfo.CustomAttributes.OfType<LoggingAttribute>().First();
return new FunctionLoggingHandler { ID = loggingAtt.ID };

return new FunctionLoggingHandler();

The default return value for async functions that are in process is #N/A. You can, for example, return the newer #GETTING_DATA error code creating the following function execution handler:

internal class AsyncReturnHandler : FunctionExecutionHandler
public override void OnSuccess(FunctionExecutionArgs args)
if (args.ReturnValue.Equals(ExcelError.ExcelErrorNA))
args.ReturnValue = ExcelError.ExcelErrorGettingData;

public static IFunctionExecutionHandler AsyncReturnHandlerSelector(IExcelFunctionInfo functionInfo)
return new AsyncReturnHandler();

Function registration processing

You can implement custom function wrappers during registration using ExcelFunctionProcessor attribute:

public interface IExcelFunctionInfo
ExcelFunctionAttribute FunctionAttribute { get; }
List<IExcelFunctionParameter> Parameters { get; }
IExcelFunctionReturn Return { get; }
List<object> CustomAttributes { get; }

LambdaExpression FunctionLambda { get; set; }

public static IEnumerable<IExcelFunctionInfo> ProcessFunctions(IEnumerable<IExcelFunctionInfo> registrations, IExcelFunctionRegistrationConfiguration config)